Sharing resources for
Community Planning
Building a Collection of
Fact Sheets
Over the past number of years, students and instructors involved in the Indigenous Planning Studio have noticed how often their First Nation partners ask about the availability of relatively short and easily digestible guidelines, examples, and templates on key elements of a planning process.
In response, the fact sheet assignment was created. It asks students to research and prepare a fact sheet to be distributed to interested First Nations. The fact sheets focus on one small element of designing and implementing a community-led planning process.
It is our hope that the collection will grow each year to provide a rich resource for First Nations who are interested in community planning.

The Four Phases of
Community Planning
Community planning is done in four phases: pre-planning, planning, implementation, and monitoring & evaluation.
Together these phases make up the cycle of planning. One full cycle begins with
pre-planning and ends with monitoring & evaluation. Once one cycle is complete, you can begin again and tackle your next planning challenge. In a way, planning is an ongoing process of improving conditions in your community.

About the
Janice Barry worked as an Assistant Professor in the University of Manitoba’s Department of City Planning, before moving to the University of Waterloo in July 2018. She taught the Indigenous Planning Studio from 2013 to 2018. During that time, she developed the initial concept for this website and oversaw the creation of the first eighteen fact sheets. In addition to her work with the Indigenous Planning Studio, Janice also conducts research on the recognition of Indigenous rights and the emerging relationships between Indigenous peoples and municipalities, as well as other provincial planning authorities.
Sarah Cooper works as an Assistant Professor in the University of Manitoba’s Department of City Planning and is the current instructor of the Indigenous Planning Studio. She began teaching the Indigenous Planning Studio in January 2018 and will oversee the creation of future fact sheets. She also coordinates the day-to-day maintenance of this website. Her research focuses on housing and social policy.
Michael Blatz was a student in the Masters of City Planning Program at the University of Manitoba and was enrolled in the Indigenous Planning Studio in the 2017/18 Academic Year. He was also hired to oversee the graphic design of the individual fact sheets and of the website as whole. He also played a key role in editing fact sheets and developing written content for the website. Michael’s research for his Major Degree Project focused on implementation of urban design plans in small Canadian cities.
We are happy to share these fact sheets free of charge as resource for practitioners, researchers, educators, students, and everyone interested in planning. In return, we ask that the work is properly cited when reproduced and never used for commercial purposes. Standard bibliographic information is listed below, which you can format according to your preferred citation style.
Title of publication:
Article title:
Date of publication:
Place of publication:
Title of the website:
Website Owner:
URL (website address):
See fact sheets
Janice Barry, Sarah Cooper
& Michael Blatz
Indigenous Community Planning
See fact sheets
See fact sheets
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
University of Manitoba
Indigenous Community Planning
Indigenous Planning Studio
See fact sheets